The Catalan earring

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The Catalan earring from the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century the Catalan earring from the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century. The earring is a gem that is attached to the earlobe Over the centuries the earrings were an important element in personal ornamentation of women and men of different civilizations. The earrings like all jewels, apart from having an ornamental function has a personal, differentiator, Identification of group and social hierarchy. but now, we want to fix the earring traditional Catalan, as artistic expression, used by women since the end of … Continued

Josep M. Goal 1897 – 1976. The fire Submission

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The fire Submission Writer, cartoonist and caricaturist Feliu Elias refers to the famous Demon arts of fire, Josep M. Goal, fascinated by the beauty and uniqueness of glass enameled goal presented by L'Exposition Internationale des Arts Decoratifs et Industriels Modernes, a Paris l’any 1925. Josep M. Goal is internationally known for glass and glazed ceramic production, activities that alternates with a picture, Paint, lithography and jewelery, the subject of this exhibition. Countless formulations, trials constant with variable temperatures, persevering observation of the results and the application of his wit made him an expert in … Continued

Pedro Estelrich – Great works of great artists

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Pedro Estelrich great work of great artists Pedro Estelrich – A great work of great artists Sea Research As an ancient Greek ships with sails full of wind, light and color filled journey through the Mediterranean, Pedro put Estelrich vessels serving the painting to demonstrate his passion for classical cultures to which pictorial tribute, while making clear its Mediterranean roots unavoidable. With an intense brushwork and a considerable body matèric Pedro Estelrich painted different coastal landscapes of the Islands. Old sea charts and tissues rough waves as part of a generous so insistent in his collage … Continued

Brooches Catalan 1915 -1945

Brooches Catalan 1915 – 1945 Text accompanying the presentation of the exhibition Catalan Brooches 1915 – 1945 Gallery hypothesis – Barcelona, 1999 Hypothesis presented with liking exposure Catalan Brooches 1925-1945, within the program of retrospectives, which periodically offers photo. The exhibition includes the whole ninety pieces of notable jewelers Catalan. It is necessary to remember that making 8 years, the 1999 Hypothesis presented a first exhibition, Brooches entitled Catalan 1930 – 1950, in which he exhibited the work of some of the jewelers of vital assistance to the current edition, Jaume Queralt Mercadé (1889-1967), Ramon Sunyer Clara(1889-1963), Peter Martin Vilanova (1890-1972), Joaquim Capdevila Meya (1876-1959), Manuel Capdevila Masssana … Continued

modernist jewelry

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The Expo 1888 and industrial expansion at the time gave a major boost to Barcelona. Barcelona is designed as a modern and restless where the bourgeoisie and the working class had an important role. This boost came in all aspects of the artistic moment, architecture, painting, sculpture, music, literature, poetry, Jewelry…

Enric Sagnier and Villavecchia

Villavecchia Enric Sagnier and Josep Enric Sagnier and Villavecchia Ferran was born in Barcelona 21 March 1858 and died on 1 September 1931. Son of Luis Sagnier and Nadal, man a solid humanistic education that instills his son, along with his wife Clementine Villavecchia Brugueras. Enric Sagnier studied high school as an intern at the Coll de Valldèmia school in Mataró. He studied music and violin García Robles Gimferrer and painting workshop of the painter's Poble Sec, Simon Gomez and the School of the Exchange. Combine studies with sport, the 1913 formed part of the hockey team … Continued

Casa Antoni Roger 1888 – 1890 – Barcelona

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CASA ANTONI ROGER 1888 – 1890 Barcelona La Casa Antoni Roger is located in Girona street n. 20 Barcelona, in the district known manufacturers, and built between 1888 i 1890. It was one of the first achievements of the architect Enric Sagnier and Villavecchia (Barcelona, 1858 – 1931). La Casa Antoni Roger is a large building, is part of the neighborhood of townhouses to rent, dividing between the bourgeois class was built in the lower right of the widening. The building was designed according to the needs of the time. The areas were determined by their functionality: two scales, Specific halls and theaters, … Continued

Jewellery and silverware Barcelona the XVII, XVIII i XIX

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Jewellery and silverware Barcelonina the XVII, XVIII i XIX. The state of M. Angels Canute research project directed by Juan Ramon Triadó professor in the Department of Art History, UB introduced the subject matters historiography and method. The’ Art català, 1750 – 1808: dependencies, invariants and stylistic problems in the Doctoral Program History, teoria i crítica de les Arts 2001 -203. Jewellery and silverware Barcelona the XVII, XVIII and XIX state of affairs CONTENTS – State of the Art – Conclusions – … Continued

Xavier Canut or artistic transversatilitat

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Xavier Canut transversatilitat artistic or remain away games the Meccano constructions, Modern Architect, they ceres, the watercolors, oils and Spanish guitar, that marked the starting point of the artistic expression of Xavier Canut determining unequivocally his career in the design and manufacture of furniture, the design of interior spaces and his vocation as a painter artist, actor and musician. The knowledge of the creative process of the furniture, from design to construction, interioritza l'i l'applies to painting. Experiment with the elements involved in assembling furniture, the diversity of wood, okume, … Continued

Pedro Estelrich. A sea search

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Pedro Estelrich. A Sea Research
As an ancient Greek ships with sails full of wind, light and color filled journey through the Mediterranean Estelrich Pedro ships put at the service of the painting to demonstrate his passion for the classical cultures that pays tribute pictorially, while making clear its Mediterranean roots unavoidable.

With an intense brushwork and the considerable body matèric’ artist paints the landscapes of coastal Islands. Old sea charts and tissues rough waves as part of a generous collage so insistent in his work continues to stubbornly sailing sea search.

M. Àngels Canut

Art historian