

Dear friends, clients, public and readers of our blog,

Through this new post we want to let you know that our gallery, initially specialized in the design, creation and marketing of exclusive collections with their own designs of accessories and pieces of jewelry, already has more than 5 years of experience. We managed to consolidate our virtual, a challenge and as always we continue to search for new horizons…

The Catalan earring

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The Catalan earring from the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century the Catalan earring from the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century. The earring is a gem that is attached to the earlobe Over the centuries the earrings were an important element in personal ornamentation of women and men of different civilizations. The earrings like all jewels, apart from having an ornamental function has a personal, differentiator, Identification of group and social hierarchy. but now, we want to fix the earring traditional Catalan, as artistic expression, used by women since the end of … Continued

Josep M. Goal 1897 – 1976. The fire Submission

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The fire Submission Writer, cartoonist and caricaturist Feliu Elias refers to the famous Demon arts of fire, Josep M. Goal, fascinated by the beauty and uniqueness of glass enameled goal presented by L'Exposition Internationale des Arts Decoratifs et Industriels Modernes, a Paris l’any 1925. Josep M. Goal is internationally known for glass and glazed ceramic production, activities that alternates with a picture, Paint, lithography and jewelery, the subject of this exhibition. Countless formulations, trials constant with variable temperatures, persevering observation of the results and the application of his wit made him an expert in … Continued

Brooches Catalan 1915 -1945

Brooches Catalan 1915 – 1945 Text accompanying the presentation of the exhibition Catalan Brooches 1915 – 1945 Gallery hypothesis – Barcelona, 1999 Hypothesis presented with liking exposure Catalan Brooches 1925-1945, within the program of retrospectives, which periodically offers photo. The exhibition includes the whole ninety pieces of notable jewelers Catalan. It is necessary to remember that making 8 years, the 1999 Hypothesis presented a first exhibition, Brooches entitled Catalan 1930 – 1950, in which he exhibited the work of some of the jewelers of vital assistance to the current edition, Jaume Queralt Mercadé (1889-1967), Ramon Sunyer Clara(1889-1963), Peter Martin Vilanova (1890-1972), Joaquim Capdevila Meya (1876-1959), Manuel Capdevila Masssana … Continued

modernist jewelry

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The Expo 1888 and industrial expansion at the time gave a major boost to Barcelona. Barcelona is designed as a modern and restless where the bourgeoisie and the working class had an important role. This boost came in all aspects of the artistic moment, architecture, painting, sculpture, music, literature, poetry, Jewelry…

Jewellery and silverware Barcelona the XVII, XVIII i XIX

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Jewellery and silverware Barcelonina the XVII, XVIII i XIX. The state of M. Angels Canute research project directed by Juan Ramon Triadó professor in the Department of Art History, UB introduced the subject matters historiography and method. The’ Art català, 1750 – 1808: dependencies, invariants and stylistic problems in the Doctoral Program History, teoria i crítica de les Arts 2001 -203. Jewellery and silverware Barcelona the XVII, XVIII and XIX state of affairs CONTENTS – State of the Art – Conclusions – … Continued

Pensieri Preziosi – 5 edicione

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Text de M. Angels Canute with the exhibition Pensieri Preziosi – 5 edicione freedom Joy. Innovazione, colore ed energia: jewels from the Massana School in Barcelona Oratorio di San Rocco Padua, 2009   MANUEL CAPDEVILA Barcelona, 1910 -2006 S’inicia en l’aprenentatge de joieria al taller del seu pare, el joier Joaquim Capdevila Meya (1876-1959) i a l’atelier parisenc, Lacambra. Assistí a las classes de pintura del pedagog Francesc d’A. Galí a l’Ateneu Politecnicum. Throughout his life alternated jeweler profession with his passion for painting. During the second half of the thirties Manuel Capdevila entered into the project to dignify … Continued

Jewelry Phoenician and Iberian

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Iberian Phoenician jewelery and is the title of the article M. Angels Canute published in the Official Journal n JORGC Sphere. 4 November 2007                           Phoenician and Iberian Phoenician jewelry, expansion in the Mediterranean, arrived in the Iberian Peninsula, where they established their settlements in southern areas, Eivissa i, to a lesser extent, the Valencian, During the seventh century BC to BC. This colonization led to a cultural exchange that results in social stratification, as well attested jewelry for different meeting times … Continued

On the death of Manuel Capdevila. The art of the goldsmith

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Article de M. Canute entitled Angels in the death of Manuel Capdevila. The art of the goldsmith published in the newspaper today 24 Maig of the 2006   In the death of Manuel Capdevila The art of the goldsmith Manuel Capdevila, nascut el 1910, va morir el 18 d’abril a Barcelona, la ciutat on va néixer. Joier de professió i pintor per vocació, va simultaniejar totes dues activitats artístiques al llarg de la seva vida. Ben aviat, ja als anys 30, la joieria de Manuel Capdevila era rebuda amb interès per la societat catalana, un reconeixement que ultrapassà també les fronteres. Early jewels and objects of gold were the result of a project full of intimate feeling … Continued