

Dear friends, clients, public and readers of our blog,

Through this new post we want to let you know that our gallery, initially specialized in the design, creation and marketing of exclusive collections with their own designs of accessories and pieces of jewelry, already has more than 5 years of experience. We managed to consolidate our virtual, a challenge and as always we continue to search for new horizons…

Pedro Estelrich – Great works of great artists

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Pedro Estelrich great work of great artists Pedro Estelrich – A great work of great artists Sea Research As an ancient Greek ships with sails full of wind, light and color filled journey through the Mediterranean, Pedro put Estelrich vessels serving the painting to demonstrate his passion for classical cultures to which pictorial tribute, while making clear its Mediterranean roots unavoidable. With an intense brushwork and a considerable body matèric Pedro Estelrich painted different coastal landscapes of the Islands. Old sea charts and tissues rough waves as part of a generous so insistent in his collage … Continued

Pensieri Preziosi – 5 edicione

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Text de M. Angels Canute with the exhibition Pensieri Preziosi – 5 edicione freedom Joy. Innovazione, colore ed energia: jewels from the Massana School in Barcelona Oratorio di San Rocco Padua, 2009   MANUEL CAPDEVILA Barcelona, 1910 -2006 S’inicia en l’aprenentatge de joieria al taller del seu pare, el joier Joaquim Capdevila Meya (1876-1959) i a l’atelier parisenc, Lacambra. Assistí a las classes de pintura del pedagog Francesc d’A. Galí a l’Ateneu Politecnicum. Throughout his life alternated jeweler profession with his passion for painting. During the second half of the thirties Manuel Capdevila entered into the project to dignify … Continued

Jewelry Phoenician and Iberian

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Iberian Phoenician jewelery and is the title of the article M. Angels Canute published in the Official Journal n JORGC Sphere. 4 November 2007                           Phoenician and Iberian Phoenician jewelry, expansion in the Mediterranean, arrived in the Iberian Peninsula, where they established their settlements in southern areas, Eivissa i, to a lesser extent, the Valencian, During the seventh century BC to BC. This colonization led to a cultural exchange that results in social stratification, as well attested jewelry for different meeting times … Continued

On the death of Manuel Capdevila. The art of the goldsmith

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Article de M. Canute entitled Angels in the death of Manuel Capdevila. The art of the goldsmith published in the newspaper today 24 Maig of the 2006   In the death of Manuel Capdevila The art of the goldsmith Manuel Capdevila, nascut el 1910, va morir el 18 d’abril a Barcelona, la ciutat on va néixer. Joier de professió i pintor per vocació, va simultaniejar totes dues activitats artístiques al llarg de la seva vida. Ben aviat, ja als anys 30, la joieria de Manuel Capdevila era rebuda amb interès per la societat catalana, un reconeixement que ultrapassà també les fronteres. Early jewels and objects of gold were the result of a project full of intimate feeling … Continued

Manuel Capdevila. Joier de professió, pintor per vocació

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Article by Manuel Capdevila M. Angels Canute published in the Journal of Andorra 16 Maig of the 2006 MANUEL CAPDEVILA Manuel Capdevila born 1910 va morir a Barcelona, ciutat on va néixer, el proppassat 18 d’abril. Joier de professió i pintor per vocació, simultaniejà ambdues activitats artístiques al llarg de la seva vida. Amb motiu de la primera edició del Circuit’Art, art i joia que es va celebrar a Andorra la Vella, la galeria Carmen Torrallardona presentà una exposició de pintura i joieria de l’artista el novembre passat. Ben aviat, en els anys trenta, la joieria de Manuel Capdevila era rebuda amb interès per la societat catalana, recognition … Continued

Estelrich Rifà Collection

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Text de M. Àngels Canut on the Estelrich Rifà family’s brooch collection in the Jaume Mercadè catalog and the Caixa Tarragona art jewel, Fundació, 2005. Estelrich Rifà Collection (Barcelona of the 1950) Joan Rifà Rigola, industrial textiles and personal friend of Cambo, • Collection col began in the first half of the fifties from the acquisition of a bracelet and brooch Peter Martin Vilanova give to her daughter. The compilation of jewelry has been continuously jointly by Peter Hood Estelrich doctor by profession and works for attachment • Collector, and his wife M. Dolores Rifà Teachers. These jewels are part of a … Continued

Josep Civit i Giraut, Joys

Presentation of the book Maragall Hall Barcelona Catalan jewelry CANUT, M. Angels, Citizens, Josep SAMARANCH, Josep Mª Luisa Civit and turns Jewels Barcelona, SD-Edicions, 2005                 Presentació del llibre: Josep Civit present a book and turn Jewels jewelry is always a source of satisfaction and joy we now have to do with what is entitled Josep Civit, Joys, SD-Editions-Hypothesis. És el testimoni del que serà l’exposició retrospectiva de joieria que juntament amb M. Luisa Samaranch hem organitzat i que s’inaugurarà el proper dia 2 de juny a Hipòtesi on hi estan tots convidats. With the … Continued

Jewellers Catalan twentieth century

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Article de M. Angels Canute entitled Jewelers Catalan twentieth century published in the Journal of the Association of Women Journalists n Women. 19, juny de 2005   Jewelers twentieth century Catalan Ninon Collet (Eaux-Vives _Suïssa- 1901 / Barcelona 1973) Eugenie Marguerite Millioud, aka Ninon Collar, although was born in the town of Eaux-Vives, Switzerland, developed his career at Barcelona. At the School of Decorative Arts in Geneva, of 1916 a 1921, studied engraving, cisellat, repujat, Drawing, modeling and composition acquiring, because, a solid artistic. Is engaged in jewelry, drawing, Paint, l'first, l'sculpture, i el batik. El 1923 moved his residence … Continued