Barcelona animals

Often hidden in sculptures, facades, fountains and lanterns, in our city there are hundreds of representations of animals that testify to the close relationship between art and animals. Així doncs, today I want to write about “The artistic fauna of Barcelona”. Concretely, the animalistic representations distributed throughout the public space of the city and highlight their importance and the close relationship that sculpture has with urban planning. On the journey through the representations of animals present in the public art of Barcelona, we will reveal numerous curiosities and facts unknown to a large part of the public. We can meet dragons there, turtles, toros, dogs, gats, bous, lizards, lobsters, turtles, spiders, ants… and also rare animals in these latitudes and even beasts … Continued

Jesus Costa – Music of the time

Jesús Costa in Música del Temps. Collective exhibition. Art Salon at the Ripollet Art Center (Barcelona). The 6 to the 30 d'April 2021. The music, in all its forms and with all its complexities, accompanies humanity from its origins, being a constant and an expression of all that we call “culture”, with which it mixes, of natural form, in multiple forms of which “Music of the time” is one more example. Five very different artists bring us their perspective on music from different perspectives. With complementary formats and techniques, we are faced with a dialogue that is enriched by the multiple languages ​​used: recorded, drawings, … Continued

Hope yes! – For a better world.

With the message “L’Esperança sí! For a better world ”, one more year, the Galician painter Jesús Costa, coordinates for the ninth consecutive year the vindictive and festive project Merry Christmas from the Air in Llinars del Vallès. The plastic artist Jesús Costa, is well committed to humanitarian and environmental issues and his works and projects tenaciously follow his ideology to the point of enthusiastically involving all sectors and social strata of Llinars del Vallès. Així doncs, participates in this integrative project from the youngest to the oldest, from kindergartens to nearby schools, in the residences for the elderly and also in the group of painters of Montseny, … Continued

The Café de la Marina

Coffee Navy Josep M. Sagarra
In San Miguel Theater
The Barrio de Gracia
In celebration of its 40 years
May 2017

Coffee Navy Josep M. Sagarra

The work is located in Port de la Selva, village on the Costa Brava, i presents a cafe mariner, where a girl, Caterina, has been abandoned by her lover. His sadness is evident when his sister Rosa married, while she has to endure the rumors and whispers that occur in the cafe where she works, where privacy does not exist. In this environment can only marry a stranger leaving fish Banyuls, older than her.

4 minutes 12 seconds

4 minutes 12 seconds is a play today, interesting, striking that invites reflection.

in Jack, the fill of 17 years David and Di has come home after a beating. Gradually who will discover why it has. It all starts with a video of sexual content posted on the internet that leaves your ex-girlfriend, face. Which is visible in the video? Who uploader?

people Well

people Well
people Well. Rusiñol Cuban
It is clear that one day in Cuban Rusiñol and we had to find… The stars have decided that now was the right time. As we are in Sitges we have nurtured since childhood Rusiñol, l’hem olorat i quasi l’hem tocat. This versatile artist who revolutionized our people was a "Teatrera" like us, that has influenced and has been a source of inspiration…