Àngels Canut, DEA, Diploma of Advanced Studies. for Research, in the doctoral program in History, Theory and Criticism of Arts, Department of Art History, University of Barcelona. Specializing in jewelry, art and antiques. With a consolidated career in these areas, worked as documentarian, by various studies and research. managing files, documentary and organized exhibitions of jewelery.
Is present jewelry pieces designed and made in our study workshop as well as add-ons with semiprecious stones. Bet per la piece or short editions.
Synergies absorbed over time are included in the websitewww.angelscanut.com
Part of this virtual space is dedicated to the fields of painting, el dibuix, watercolor and graphic work by various modern and contemporary artists who present well-contrasted proposals.
bookstore, is the place where you can find art books out of print, second hand, in good condition.
We use the blog to publicize investigations and studies carried out within the program of doctorate courses at the University of Barcelona Àngels Canut. There may read articles published in specialized journals, exhibition catalogs and posts about jewelry, painting, Nativity, Art and culture in general.
Our activities, interests and concerns are largely reflected in blog, as well as participation in exhibitions and craft fairs or firm commitment Àngels Canut events in other sectors of culture, like music.