Barcelona animals

Often hidden in sculptures, facades, fountains and lanterns, in our city there are hundreds of representations of animals that testify to the close relationship between art and animals. Així doncs, today I want to write about “The artistic fauna of Barcelona”. Concretely, the animalistic representations distributed throughout the public space of the city and highlight their importance and the close relationship that sculpture has with urban planning. On the journey through the representations of animals present in the public art of Barcelona, we will reveal numerous curiosities and facts unknown to a large part of the public. We can meet dragons there, turtles, toros, dogs, gats, bous, lizards, lobsters, turtles, spiders, ants… and also rare animals in these latitudes and even beasts … Continued

Mary Heredia

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Artist Mary Heredia says the act of creating connects her to her “already” interior, with his higher consciousness. His thinking is in line with creative ideas and projects. And creating her works is the best she can give of herself to society. Like many artists, Mary Heredia has the perfection of nature as inspiration. The sky, Water, the vegetation, everything is within our reach and you just have to pay attention to it. She likes to discover new ways of doing things, he is passionate about challenges and says that, even, risk dough: “trial and error” they are a constant to give excitement to their work. Looking for shape and color, he is very interested in finding it … Continued

Alejandro Gonzalez

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ALEJANDRO GONZÁLEZ MORENO Neix to Havana, Cuba, the 21 October of 1955, he has lived in Barcelona for years. ACADEMIC TRAINING 1972-1976 Diploma in painting and drawing by l’ Academy of Plastic Arts“Saint Alexander”, Havana(Cuba). 1976-1981 Degree in architecture from the Instituto Superior Politécnico“Jose Antonio Echeverría”, Havana(Cuba). COLLECTIVE EXHIBITIONS 2021“Solstice 2021”. Room key. L’Hospitalet, Barcelona. 2019“Solstices 2019”. Room key. L’Hospitalet, Barcelona. 2018“Solstices 2018”. Room key. L’Hospitalet, Barcelona. 2017“Solstice 2017”. Room key. L’Hospitalet, Barcelona. 2016“Solstices 2016”. Room key. L’Hospitalet, Barcelona. 2015“Solstices 2015”. Room key. L’Hospitalet, Barcelona. 2015-2019Collective exhibition at the Carré Gallery of Artists. Cologne(Germany). 2014“Solstices 2014”. Room key. L’Hospitalet, Barcelona. 2014“Identity”. Habana Art Gallery. Barcelona. 2014“Prelude”. Habana Art Gallery. Barcelona. 2014“Solstices 2014”. Room key. L’Hospitalet, Barcelona. 2014Collective exhibition of resident artists at TPK, “The metaphor as resistance”. Roca Umbert. Granollers, Barcelona. 2013-2014Collective exhibition … Continued

Manuel Castro

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MANUEL CASTRO MELLADO Manuel Castro, born in Córdoba in 1944. He has lived in Barcelona since 1952. Artistic studies at La Llotja and the Conservatory of Book Arts (Engraving and Lithography) Barcelona. Scholarship from the Castellblanch Foundation to expand artistic studies in Paris. L’any 1967 begins its participation in group exhibitions. He died in Barcelona in 2020. INDIVIDUAL EXHIBITIONS1969 Sala Jaimes (Barcelona) 1973 Matisse Gallery (Barcelona)Fort Gallery (Tarragona)Lo Marraco Gallery (Lleida) 1974 Culture room (Pamplona)CAMPC Art Room (Córdoba) 1975 Lleonart Gallery (Barcelona)Alaro Gallery (Sitges) 1976 La Mulassa Gallery (Vilanova i la Geltrú)Seny Gallery (Barcelona) 1977 Victor Bailo Gallery (Saragossa)Province Room (Lion) 1978 Joan de Serrallonga Gallery (Barcelona)Soler Casamada Gallery (Terrace) 1981 El Setze Gallery (Martorell) 1985 Spanish Institute of Culture (Munic, Germany) 1987 … Continued

Jesus Costa – Music of the time

Jesús Costa in Música del Temps. Collective exhibition. Art Salon at the Ripollet Art Center (Barcelona). The 6 to the 30 d'April 2021. The music, in all its forms and with all its complexities, accompanies humanity from its origins, being a constant and an expression of all that we call “culture”, with which it mixes, of natural form, in multiple forms of which “Music of the time” is one more example. Five very different artists bring us their perspective on music from different perspectives. With complementary formats and techniques, we are faced with a dialogue that is enriched by the multiple languages ​​used: recorded, drawings, … Continued

Hope yes! – For a better world.

With the message “L’Esperança sí! For a better world ”, one more year, the Galician painter Jesús Costa, coordinates for the ninth consecutive year the vindictive and festive project Merry Christmas from the Air in Llinars del Vallès. The plastic artist Jesús Costa, is well committed to humanitarian and environmental issues and his works and projects tenaciously follow his ideology to the point of enthusiastically involving all sectors and social strata of Llinars del Vallès. Així doncs, participates in this integrative project from the youngest to the oldest, from kindergartens to nearby schools, in the residences for the elderly and also in the group of painters of Montseny, … Continued

Merry Christmas from the air 2020

posted in: Art, Exhibitions, News | 0

Hope is !!!For a better world!!! The exhibition "Merry Christmas from the air" was born from a work with the schools of the municipality and the city of Llinars del Vallès,  and coordinated by the painter Jesús Costa,  in order to decorate the village from the nougat fair with banners painted by children and young people, giving messages related to the educational values ​​or projects of the centers. This year and in agreement with the schools we decided not to make new banners, since this course 2020-21 it presented itself as difficult and uncertain. For this reason, there is only one new banner that is in a poster format that you have attached. Where the message means … Continued