Cafe de la Marina -Barcelona - Àngels Canut

The Café de la Marina

Coffee Navy Josep M. Sagarra

In San Miguel Theater

The Barrio de Gracia

In celebration of its 40 years

May 2017


Cafe de la Marina - Barcelona - Àngels Canut Coffee Navy Josep M. Sagarra

The work is located in Port de la Selva, village on the Costa Brava, i presents a seaside cafe, where a girl, Caterina, has been abandoned by her lover. His sadness is evident when his sister Rosa married, while she has to endure the rumors and whispers that occur in the cafe where she works, where privacy does not exist. In this environment can only marry a stranger leaving fish Banyuls, older than her.

in the meantime, was developing a secret love towards latent Claudi, a fisherman genius alcoholic who wants to leave America, as an escape route, because people do not see the future.

cast artistic

LIBOR Eugeni Bonet

Catherine AinaBatlle

Rosa Nina Agustí

Salvadora M. Pilar Gené

Rufina DELIA Tello

Rufí Francisco Barbet

Luard Josep M. Clave

Baldiri Joan Trias

Graciet Txell Batlle

Laia Serra Maria

Rafel Marc Barbet

Claudi Jordi Pijoan

An artist M. Pilar Novell

Brave Alfred Bonet

George Bernard Lord Avilés

Tia Brais Lopez

Edu García Moreno

Antonet Louis Barbet

Gallaret Isaac Argüelles


Work management: Rosario Franco and Jordi Serra

Crew: Montse Rull, Anton M. Guinart, Dala Salva and Henry Barbet,


Josep Maria de Sagarra, (Barcelona, 1894 – 1961)

playwright, journalist, novelist, memorialista, i translator, above all, poeta.

Theto use a living language rich, the use of rhetorical resources of great plasticity, and above, the desire to entertain and move the reader or the viewer, connecting with the public and the popular reader and is rewarded with resounding theatrical success, with The crown of thorns, (1930), Hostal de la Gloria (1931), The Café de la Marina (1933) one to Boulevard of the florists (1935).

In the camp of include poetry Free rowing and comesla (1923), Count Arnau (1928) i Nadal's poem (1931).

The novel Private life (1932) is considered the emblematic novel of Barcelona.

He regularly collaborates with the press and brings together some of these collaborations in two volumes: Café, copa i puro (1929) i The appetizer (1937). El 1938 established in France which is dedicated, essentially, a la Translation divine Comedy. El 1940, return to Catalonia, joined the clandestine literary life and, With the help of some patrons, completes the translation of Dante, Shakespeare theater translates and writes a pleasant and extensive Reports (1954). Much of his works are translated into several languages ​​and some are carried to the movies and on TV.