Carlos Rolando -Barcelona - Angels Canut

Carlos Rolando

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Carlos Rolando


Carlos Rolando -Barcelona - Angels CanutCarlos José Rolando, (Rosario, Argentina, 1933Barcelona, 2016)

He studied at the Faculty of Architecture of Universidad Nacional del Litoral (UNL) Santa Fe as support for their aspirations Designer. Arranged with other studies on painting, photography, typography, design and economy.

He served as art director in publishing and design agency. Later in 1967 moved to Barcelona where he fixed his residence permanently, from where he contributed to the renovation of design in Catalonia.

During the first years of stay in the Catalan capital Carlos Rolando was linked to the leading advertising agencies Carvis, for here designed packaging and ads for Evax-dodot. He also collaborated with Lluís Bassat and Joaquín Lorente in the campaign for the Hospital Sant Joan de Déu.

El 1973 Carlos Rolando founded his own design studio Design Consultancy.

L’any 1990 creates, together with magazine IP Mark, awards Best Pack.

He specialized in corporate design and brand creator was of major companies and institutions such as Camper, Roca, Arco, Fagor, Ifema, Book club, Pegaso, Grupo Mondragón, Astilleros Españoles, Unequal, Barcelona Stock Exchange, the Ministry of Finance and Public Administration, CSIC and the municipalities of Bilbao, Toledo Castelldefels among others and also for events like Arco, Expo Sevilla'92 or Madrid 2016 ...

El 2005 received National Design Award Spain

El 2011 the Creative Club Awarded the Honor Award.

2012 the FAD He was awarded first available honorary in recognition of his successful career

Also noteworthy their contribution to sculpture.