Manuel Gómez Perochena

Manuel Gómez Perochena

posted in: Watercolors, Art, Painting | 0

Manuel Gómez PerochenaManuel Gómez Perochena

Autodidacta. Realitza exposicions a Madrid, Soria, Almazan (Soria), Valdemoro (Madrid), La Marina d'Elx, Zeddam (Netherlands)

He has won watercolor and drawing prizes in various competitions.

His work is in private collections and in the Zeddam Museum, (Netherlands)

Specialty artistic works that: Aquarel·la i dibuix


Throughout his life as a draftsman designer, the tools used to make precision drawings, is the rule, the square, the bevel or compass and pencil, The technical ruling pen or marker, running pictures with all sorts of details such renowned architects, Fernando Moreno Barberá and Julio Cano Lasso.

Més endavant s’inicia en el dibuix i l’aquarel·la, inspirat en les il·lustracions de Norman Rockwell, which is that of love for its irony and humor, reemplaçant by the ruling pen and brush color.

Perochena és un excel·lent dibuixant nat, sap plasmar en les seves aquarel·les de paisatges un caràcter lineal, trying to enhance the contrast to highlight the architectural and general, giving them personality.

Their skills as a draftsman, We encourage you to recover in time and undo variety of transport machinery: trains, had, ships, i amb bona mestratge i molta il·lusió, reflected on white support the idea of ​​dreams yesterday.




Critics of Fragments

Manuel Perochena defuig de l’aquarel·la clàssica per endinsar-se en una handling realistic painting brushes with the expertise of an architect drawing and composition.
The artist dives in search of the past barely three basic colors and weaves seamlessly acquire the depth of our ancestral villages.
The past is his obsession and passion. The old town and seized the room move to tradition.


The viewer's eye is caught by the eyes and faces of the characters represented by an artist who interprets it moves but the reality of observing.
Homes, women and children officiate, yearn, kidnap visitors with its stark reality and sour.
No et pots quedar indiferent davant la tècnica d’un pintor que sorprèn pel seu domini de l’aquarel·la.


“encounters” (Meetings), és una exposició col·lectiva de 55 Spanish artists to exhibit “Museum Gallery Rosmolen” City Zeddam (Holland).
El museu està instal·lat en un antic molí de gra on giren les obres dels artistes com els cavalls giraven per moldre el cereal. And one Spanish work will continue to have the honor of residing in this country has been subjugated by his technique and quality. This artist chosen from among 54 remaining is Manuel Perochena with his picture “Madrid”.


“reasons Americans” is an example of American life years 50 Painted in oils by Norman Rockwell.
The figures are drawn to Perochena harassed by the imperatives of perfection. The intention ofThe artist is to capture the detail: wrinkles, gray, expressions, lights, colors que no semblen realitzats per un pinzell amarat en aquarel·la. Technique technique. And emotion.


Technology is one of the constants of a painter and Basque roots Soriano assaults that trains and planes to move to countries and fearless. Steam believe dreamlike landscapes with a picture perfect.

Visit his exhibition in our gallery