The dynasty of jewelers Cabot

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Article de M. Angels Canute entitled

La Nissaga of Joiers Cabot

published in Sierra Gold

n. 539 novembre de 2004

The dynasty of jewelers Cabot The dynasty of jewelers Cabot













The dynasty of jewelers Cabot


Francesc Ferrer Cabot, natural de Mataró fou l’iniciador d’una de les nissagues de joiers més extenses de la nostra ciutat.

El 1842 obrí la seva primera joieria al número 35 del carrer de l’Argenteria, carrer on des de l’època medieval s’havien agrupat tradicionalment els argenters barcelonins i que posteriorment havia d’esdevenir l’eix comercial que comunicà el centre antic de la ciutat amb el Parc de la Ciutadella, on va tenir lloc l’Exposició Universal de 1888.

A final de 1899 la joieria es traslladà al número 21 del mateix carrer. Desprès de la mort de Francesc Cabot, la raó social de la botiga fou Joyería Vda. de Francisco Cabot e Hijos, ja que s’havien incorporat a l’ ofici els seus fills Francesc, Emili and Joaquim. These last important act jewelery, d’orfebreria civil i religiosa i també instruments musicals. For certain pieces of gold, they had the collaboration of sculptors of the time.

Amb el pas del temps la botiga passà a un tercer local, al número 61 del carrer Ferran. I el 1905 és va obrir la quarta seu, al número. 17 de la plaça de Catalunya. Of 1922 a 1924 s’hi dugueren a terme diverses reformes, and reopened under the name Joaquim Cabot, successor de Vídua i Fills de Francesc Cabot fins a 1931, la firma va participar en diferents exposicions, en les quals la seva obra va ser reconeguda amb diversos guardons; en destaquem el Gran Diploma d’ Honor i la Medalla d’ Or de l’ art litúrgic, exhibitions that took place in Rome during the pontificates of Pius XI and Pope Leo XII.

El 9 de febrer de 1931, en ocasió d’un nou trasllat, Joaquim Cabot deixà ys la direcció de la joieria a càrrec del seu gendre i del seu nét, durant quatre anys. La nova seu, la cinquena, al número 636 de la Gran Via de les Corts catalanes, was decorated by Marco Santiago. When he resumed the leadership went to the store said Joyería Joaquim Cabot. At this time the company made the crown of the Virgin of Queralt, i la corona, el ceptre, els canelobres i altres peces per l’aixovar de la Mare de Déu de Montserrat. El 1943, ja complert el centenari de la fundació de la joieria, es tancà la cinquena establiment, i the 1946 Joaquim Cabot és retirà del negoci.

El 1950 Jordi Soler grandson Henry Cabot associated with Domenech Lopez and opened a jewelry Number 11 del passeig de Gràcia. El 1978, dos anys desprès de la seva mort, els seus fills obriren una nova la joieria Soler-Cabot a la plaça Sant Gregori Taumaturg.

This remarkable and extensive line of jewelers in the figure Catalan Joaquim Cabot, un home polifacètic, culte, refinat i viatger. Exercí d’orfebre, escultor, poeta, financer, polític, conferenciant, writer of travel books and articles for newspapers.

Havia nascut el 1861 Barcelona, al carrer de l’Argenteria. Quan tenia disset anys morí el seu pare, i és posà a treballar d’aprenent en un magatzem de drogueria. A vint anys acabà l’aprenentatge de joier, i és quedà en el negoci familiar, a growing business where workers lacked.

Ja en aquests anys, sentia un gran interès per la llengua i la cultura catalanes i per l’art en general. Es féu subscriptor de les revistes Lo Gay Saber i La Renaixença. Assistia als Jocs Florals, a exposicions de pintura i escultura especialment a l’antiga Sala Parés i als concerts de Clavé als jardins del Tívoli. Fou gran amic del poeta Francesc Matheu i Fornells, l’editor de la Ilustració Catalana i La Lectura Popular.

Frequent Quatre Gats and attended the Modernist Festivals Sitges, organitzades pel Santiago Rusiñol. A la tercera, the 1894, juntament amb el Pere Romeu, Albert Llanas, Josep Pascó, Ramon Casas, Eliseu Meifrén, Ramon Pichot, Aureli Tolosa, Joan Brull, Enric Clarasó, Frederic Soler i Rovirosa, Josep Yxart, Narcís Oller, Joan Maragall, Frederic Rahola i Josep Puig i Cadafalch participà a la comitiva que des de l’estació del tren fins al Cau Ferrat s’organitzà per traslladar els dos quadres del Greco que Rusiñol havia comprat a París.

Assistí a les tertúlies literàries la de la Colla dels Vells o d’en Matheu, of 1912 a 1936. The result of these meetings were small books called Els Llibres de la Group in which Cabot wrote poems and which were distributed among the same authors and given to those who were honored in the collective excursions.

Va traduir al castellà La Doctora, obra de teatre estrenada al Principal de Barcelona. Va escriure els llibres De fora casa, 1898, A cop calent, 1903, El cant del cigne, 1938. També, amb el pseudònim de Dr. Franch, va esciure a La Renaixensa, des d’ on exercí una gran influencia, no solament en el món de les arts..

Ocupa càrrecs importants a les principals associacions econòmiques i culturals de Barcelona. He was secretary of the Floral Games from 1884, the maintainer 1888, secretary again 1889, Treasurer 1908. He was awarded the cup council 1924. President of the Barcelona Provincial Council and sponsor the publication of a hundred thousand copies of the complete works of Verdaguer account for this institution. The 1912 a 1920 was delegated to provincial Barcelona. Cooperating in the constitution of the Commonwealth of Catalonia. President of the Chamber of Commerce and Navigation 1921 a 1926, and the Trade Fair. Member of the boards of the National Economic Development and Labour Defence League Industrial and Commercial, of the governing board of the Casa de la Caritat, Bank of Spain Life, the Pension Fund for the Elderly and Savings Society and the Tibidabo, S.A. President of the creditors of the Bank Group and the Barcelona Film Verdaguer Cina, Company General Stores Deposit, Metro Railway Transversal i consell Commercial Banc de Barcelona, Tivoli S.A. Member of the executive of the Association of Art and Archaeology Barcelona, Promotion of Decorative Arts, Catalan Society Concert Choir and the Catalan. Founding director of the Voice of Catalonia and member of the Regionalist League.

El 24 in November 1897, when the heart of the choir returned to participate in the International Choral Competition held in Nice, Joaquim Cabot received them in the old premises of the Plaza de Sant Just had written a poem inspired by the coral. Quan 1900 there were elections to elect the Vice President and other officers of the Catalan Choral Society, it was proposed, Cabot, número.2 was also a member of the Catalan Association of Scientific Excursions, won the elections and 1902 obtained the position of Chairman of the General Meeting. During his presidency to the Orfeo Catalan, of 1901 a 1935, is built the Palace of Catalan Music, work was made possible by the personal and financial action: thanks to their professional, la joieria, could finance the repeatedly’ ambitious project commissioned Domenech i Montaner. Also commissioned the Catalan flag in the choir and Gallissà Font Gumà. To the 1904 founded Musical Magazine Catalan.

Commissioned the architect Vilaseca completion of the building number 8 Street Lauria, Father and Gallisà tiles in Catalan to the Sanctuary of the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem..

El 1900 Verdaguer he dedicated a poem, that appeared in published Youth illustrated with a drawing by Dante Gabriel Rossetti.

There are a silversmith

At the Silverware

De in Hailar or

They tell Orfila.

The row so prim

Que to just s'obira;

Seems to me hair

The front d'una nina.

Lo filador d’or

He says he has a daughter

which is like a flower bouquet

please do not tell:

row gold as he

i fine silver,

bright cut

i pulled beads.

Who we marry

can plant shop;

she is not home, do not,

fa is xaputxina

the first Thursday

de Pascua Florida. When the edge of the altar

are hair breaks,

n'apar a river of gold

leaves the shore

o camp form

the sickle tilts.

his bullet, that forgiveness,

collects the ears,

I trust I usually

back to shop

the garba of rulls

move off that morning.

There are a silversmith

in the Silverware, of gold as filar

tell Orfila.

More ai! neighborhood

no need qui say

Fri than gold per son

Healthy hair daughter.

Joaquim Cabot jeweler, to innovate classic jewelry of his father. He worked with platinum, i brightest pearls, prioritizing shapes inspired neoclassical and bread on bright stylized floral themes

Among his most important accomplishments include: the 1906 Cup Challenguer, a silver embossed glass art; the 1915 crosier to the bishop of Girona; El 1928 the silver maces and Fleece by sergeants of the City Council. El 1929 was offered with jewels mounted a monumental shrine for worship and exposure of three relics: Vera Cruz and bones of St. Benedict and St. Theresa of the Child Jesus

A good part of the artistic production is liturgical in nature, mainly aimed at the Monastery of Montserrat. Quan 1931 there took place the celebrations in honor of Abbot Oliva, Father Celestine Gusii, Secretary of Abbot Marcet charge and artistic heritage of Montserrat, Joaquim Cabot commissioned a chalice with paten and chalice Romanesque Revival style. El 1946 was part of the team of artists who made the throne of the Virgin of Montserrat, but his advanced age was responsible for the artistic advice.

Joaquim Cabot died 5 de gener de 1951.

M. Àngels Canut

Art historian