Child's play – The’ RED ATENEU
Game girls
The characters in this play are not real, however the history of this professor is based on a real case. Only he did not have the opportunity to meet with parents and other teachers at any meeting.
The real Oscar continues to defend it was a misunderstanding, girls game, but both the affected families as judges case, not think so.
This piece was written and directed by Adrián Novella, and performed by Miguel Arnau, Resu Belmonte, Vicente Domingo, Sara Gumbrecht Real, Ariana Higón the Jorge Valle. Amb la col·laboració d’Alejandra García, as choreographer and movement consultant and José Figueroa, as assistant director
Bull Anga
Theater Company
The Athenaeum Roig, Cultural Association
Torrent in Vidalet, 34
The Athenaeum
What is the Red Athenaeum?
Ateneo Red is the project of the cultural association that aims to provide Red Gracia district, a les entitats i col·lectius de la ciutat de Barcelona d’un local on es desenvolupin de forma comuna i sota els principis de la pràctica comunitària els següents objectius:
- Promote self-sustaining economy based on spaces, one, common services and resources.
- strengthen links between the neighborhood and create community and enhance the neighborhood
- Building projects by the confluence of a partisan political position with common secular and progressive.
- Contributing to recover the bond from the world of culture and social movements with the labor movement and its struggle for generating a renewed culture class.
- Promote alternative leisure-based participatory self.
What do we
Una cultura que posi en valor l’autonomia personal tant com el valor del treball col·lectiu, conscious and active civilizatory the challenges posed by the crisis of ecological sustainability, promoter of the republican values and the role of women in society, bel·ligerant cap a la injustícia i desigualtats socioeconòmiques o per qüestions ètniques, cultural or gender. It also promotes the value of work, creativity, innovation, knowledge and experience of joint experimentation and social, not based on cultural and economic exploitation of man by man
Ateneo Roig