Forlatesa the Kuelap, construction

Kuelap Fortress – Chachapoyas culture

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Kuelap Fortress, one of the entrances Kuelap Fortress – Chachapoyas culture


We come from an interesting journey through Amazon Andes of northern Peru where we could learn more about the Chachapoyas culture dels preincaica, developed between 800 i 1470, through its archaeological remains, settlements and funerary constructions.

Chachapoyas culture developed in the Andes northeast of Peru, This is a very uneven geographically, populated by lush forests, with high rainfall and an almost permanent haze. Hence the name Chachapoyas meaning "the people of the fog".

One goal of the trip was visiting the magnificent Kuelap Fortress, Cultural Heritage of Peru 1998. It is currently being restored and re-grow.

The Chachapoyas were built and inhabited the impressive fortress of Kuelap between 1000 a 1450.

The fortress of Kuelap, is an architectural stone large, is located at the top of a mountain Peru's high jungle, a wonderful vantage point to 3000 meters of height above sea level, a the province of Luya, in the Amazon Department, a wonderful place. The strategic location allowed him to visually dominate the surrounding territory, I could identify in advance any threat and could also serve as a refuge for the population in case of emergency.

Stand constructions known as El Torreón, Castle i the Inkwell.

M. Àngels Canut

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