Art Exhibition of the members of the A-FAD
Open Studios
the Art Space
Piera House of Fine Arts and Design in Barcelona
of 18 to the 24 Maig of the 2015
Canute Angels participates in the Art Exhibition of the members of the A-FAD Open Studios with Pendants de les col·leccions Hic et nunc, Fragments i More Details
Black jade pendant, cut on both sides, black suede and silver fittings from the collection Hic et nunc
Dalmatian jasper pendant, antelina color arena i fornitures daurades de la col·lecció Fragments
Pendant Amazonite, black suede and silver fittings from the collection More Details
Casa Piera Fine Arts
c / Pintor Fortuny, 21
08001 Barcelona
Such. 934245401
Dill – Ds. 10 to 14 and 16,30 a 20h
Mounting exposure Open Studios with Cynthia Fusillo, Karol Bergeret Coordinator and assembly Àngels Canut his cabinet