Emilio Freixas Aranguren
(Barcelona, 1899 – 1976)
Emilio Freixas Aranguren drawing escenòfrag, illustrator.
Emilio Freixas Aranguren, (Barcelona, 1899 – 1976).
It stands not only as drawing, scenographer, illustrator but is, considered pioneer of comics in Spain. Also acting as his extraordinary work as a teacher of drawing. Since childhood he showed great talent for drawing. He was student of the painter Emilio Casals, (Barcelona 1843 – 1928). His great skill and ease for drawing led him to work in workshops and stage designers Bullbena Girbal, as a set designer and decorator for more than a decade. From his youth draws tirelessly posters, advertising vignettes, is recognized as a master in the specialty.
Freixas artistic director of advertising
Its elegant design, streamlined, Synthetic loose and was ideal for a branch that had outstanding professionals in Spain, with good reputation outside our borders, Featured architects that own Freixas recognized as teachers in the specialty. The firm Laurendor, Female beauty products named him head of the art department, understanding of direct, normatives generals, exhibitions window dressing, campaign, etc. Freixas was found at home in a mode in which their skills by drawing large and colorful as he came to the. They are splendid, anthologies, the impact poster, the series of illustrations published over the years 40 i 50, in the finest magazines of the time. This time reproductions deserved more space, better paper and printing. The announcement, excellent presentation and outstanding artistic product offered, adorned with splendid faces and bodies of women, parangonables the outstanding advertisements made in Paris, global mecca of cosmetics and their propaganda. But besides Freixas, an activity with such competition, It was originally, distinguished and admired advertising.
Text d'Antonio de Mateo Remacha
Published in the catalog 1999 Centenary of birth Emilio Freixas 1899 – 1978, Caja Madrid, social work, 1999 p. 24
Antonio de Mateo Remacha, Exhibition curator and coordinator of One hundred years of the birth of Emilio Freixas.
Visit his exhibition in our gallery
Emilio Freixas Aranguren
(Barcelona, 1899 – 1976)
Emilio Freixas Aranguren artist, scenographer, illustrator.
Emilio Freixas Aranguren, (Barcelona, 1899 – 1976)
He stressed not only as cartoonist, scenographer, illustrator but it is, considered Cartoon pioneer in Spain. Also it has been recognized its extraordinary work as a teacher of drawing.
Small and showed great talent for drawing. He was a student of the painter Emilio Casals (Barcelona 1843 – 1928). His great skill and panache for drawing led him to work in the workshops of the Bullbena set designers and Girbal, as a set designer and decorator for more than a decade.
From his youth tirelessly drawing posters, advertising vignettes, recognized as a master in the art.
Freixas advertising art director
Its elegant drawing, stylized, synthetic and loose was ideal for a branch that had in Spain with prominent professionals, with good reputation outside our borders, prominent architects to the Freixas himself recognized as teachers in the specialty.
The firm Laurendor, of feminine beauty he named him head of the art department, comprehensive direct mail, general regulations, exhibitions window dressing, campaigns, etc
Freixas at home was in a mode in which his skills as great artist and colourist came to his measure. They are splendid, antológicas, in its impact cartelist, the series of illustrations published in the years 40 Y 50, in the most exclusive magazines of the time. This time the reproductions deserved more space, better paper and printing. Ad, magnificent presentation and artistic highlight of the product offered, It is adorned with magnificent faces and bodies of women, paragons for outstanding advertising made in Paris, global mecca for cosmetics and propaganda. But also Freixas, in an activity with so much competition, It was originally, distinguished and admired publicitario.
Text Antonio de Mateo Remacha,
Published in the catalog 1999 Centenary of the birth Emilio Freixas 1899 – 1978, Caja Madrid, social work, 1999 p. 24
Antonio de Mateo Remacha, Commissioner and Coordinator of the Exhibition Centenary of the birth of Emilio Freixas.