Concha Ibañez -

Concha Ibáñez

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Ibáñez Concepción Escobar (Canet de Mar, (Barcelona), 1926).

Ibáñez Concha Escobar(Canet de Mar, (Barcelona), 1926).

Their oil or engraving illustrations have accompanied works by writers such as Baltasar Porcel, Miquel de Palol, Marta Pessarrodona, Cesareo Rodriguez-Aguilera Josep Maria Carandell.

He studied painting with the painter Josep Oriol Baqué Mercader, and then paint, engraving and drawing at the School Market with artists like Francis Labarta, frequenting the atmosphere of the time the Artistic Circle of St. Luke.

The first public exhibition of the works of Concha Ibáñez was a joint exhibition to help the families of political prisoners, the fifties.

After several stays in various Italian cities, i Paris to Madrid, the 1960 exhibited individually at the Sala Jaimes Barcelona, and after the April Sala Madrid, and in subsequent years in various galleries Catalan, to Palma de Mallorca, San Sebastian, Madrid, Milan (Italy), Vienna (Austria), Brussels (Belgium), l’Havana i Holguín (Cuba) i Nova York. His work is in museums, among which we highlight the MACBA.

exposed (1962-1969) and was a member of the organizing board of the Hall Barcelona May, of 1966 a 1969. He presented his works at the Salon female contemporary art of Barcelona. He has received several phanded, including the first Painting Prize City of L'Hospitalet (1966); the second prize of the Council of Girona (1967); Painting the third premi Hidalgo de Caviedes in the Concurs of the Museu Zabaleta, Jaen (1973); Painting Prize Donart, Barcelona (1995); Prize of Plastic Arts and the Museum of the Navy Vilassar de Mar (1997), Barcelona. El 1999 opened the show “The century of women in the Mediterranean”, organized by the Catalan Institute for Women.

Concha Ibáñez occupies a prominent among Catalan visual artists most representative of his generation, and Emilia Xargay, Assumption Maria Raventos, Maria Benet or Montserrat and Girona Gudiol.

His work has its own style. In the words of journalist and critic Josep Maria Cadena: “Concha Ibáñez is a landscaper want to understand the world as a whole. It could represent other aspects of collective life, but in psychic vision of diverse landscapes has expressed its willingness solidarity. notes, and being synthesized for maximum strength of beauty opens paths that lead to the concept of harmony”.

Daniel Giralt-Miracle has branded his painting “short space, light, terra, nature and architecture in a whole worked well and sensitive to the characteristics of each site”.

Per Baltasar Porcel, “Concha Ibáñez, painter of landscapes, rarely paints a landscape: sand serves as a geographic eg theorize their personal design aesthetic and psychic“.

According to the criticCaesarian Rodríguez-Aguilera,” with its parsimony and safety, Concha Ibáñez has been outlined characters own forms and signs, enriched material, has given strength to the sense of its architectural paint, color is combined with restraint and boldly”.

Santos Torroella considered that Ibáñez” practice touch and geometry of the art of painting with a rare fervor, a clear distinction in the making works everything is calm and limpid, but clear and precise, at the same time, soft with affection, more sweetly spoiled visually as a prisoner in his strict recruitment.

critic José Corredor Matheosfelt that “Concha Ibáñez has united, with the time, two processes that seem contradictory: on a gradual abstraction and concreteness of a major daily, with the focus of a particular plot of reality”.

In the Dictionary Rafols synthesized style Concha Ibáñez: “his work, especially dedicated to the landscape, is made of solitude and silence, resolved simply and sweetly colored, rolling shades shapes with a captivating poetic sensibility. The same can be said of his prints, in which the subtle gradation of gray is combined with a sense of form, invariably sober candorós.

El 2014 Canet de Mar City Council awarded its Gold Medal to Concha Ibáñez.


Please see the works of Concha Ibáñez