These Terms of Use, Condiciones de Venta y Política de Privacidad regulan el uso del sitio Web www.angelscanut.com (onwards “Web Site”).
A través de su sitio www.angelscanut.com, provides information about its products and offers the possibility of acquisition. Due to the content and purpose of the Website, people who want to benefit from their services must have the condition “Customer”, la cual adquiere completando el formulario de registro y siguiendo los pasos que LA EMPRESA posteriormente comunica a través de email. Client's condition implies adherence to the Terms of Use as published at the time you access the Web Site.
Anyway, There are pages in the website accessible to natural or legal persons that do not yet register or initiate a product purchase (onwards, “Users”). In this regard, Users who access these parts of the Website agree to be bound by the terms and conditions contained in these Terms and Conditions, to the extent that it may be applicable to them.
LA EMPRESA quiere hacer saber a sus Clientes y Usuarios que se dirige exclusivamente a un público general y que el territorio en el que acepta y distribuye esta limitado a los países indicados en la web.
CONTACT: For any other queries, Consult sugerencia, You can send your comments by email to: info@angelscanut.com
All product prices listed throughout the website include VAT and other taxes that may apply. Notwithstanding, These prices do not include expenditures for the shipping (in the case of international shipments) Product, which are listed separately and must be accepted by the Client.
COMPANY Customer reports that the number of units available is kept updated with the inventory in stock and available from our suppliers. In no event COMPANY will sell intentionally more units available or the supplier has reserved for him.
COMPANY will make every effort to please all its customers in product demand. However, sometimes, and due to causes not easily controlled by the company as human errors or incidents in computer systems, is possible that the amount ultimately served by the provider differs from the offer made by THE COMPANY to fulfill orders from Clients.
In the event that the product ordering is not available after completed, Customer will be informed by email of the total or partial cancellation of this. The partial cancellation of order due to lack of availability does not entitle the cancellation of the entire order. If as a result of this cancellation, the customer wants to return the delivered product should follow the provisions of paragraph Returns.
You agree to pay at the time you place the order. The initial price stated on the website for each of the offered products will be added appropriate to the rates applicable delivery costs. Anyway, such fees will be previously communicated to the Customer before completing the purchase.
El ticket o comprobante de compra que corresponde al pedido de compra estará disponible y se podrá visualizar en www.angelscanut.com en la sección “My account”, “Requests”.
The Customer must pay the full amount of your order amount in return for payment by PayPal or bank transfer.
Once the order is formalized, ie, with the acceptance of the Terms of Use and confirmation of the purchase process, COMPANY will always send an email to the CLIENT confirming the details of your purchase.
Cancellation of orders
ENTERPRISE accept cancellations of orders upon request before sending it. Para realizar la cancelación debes solicitarlo mediante el formulario “Customer” o enviando un e-mail a info@angelscanut.com.
I. Product Delivery
COMPANY is committed to deliver the product in perfect condition to the address stated in the Customer's order form. In order to optimize the delivery, Customer thank you provide an address where the order can be delivered.
THE COMPANY shall not be liable for errors caused in the delivery when the delivery address entered by the customer in the order form does not conform to reality or have been omitted.
II. Delivery time
Shipments of takes us through a courier company. El pedido realizado por usted le será entregado en un plazo máximo de 14 working days (which may be altered by local or national holidays) since we have made the order confirmation. Although the usual delivery of ENTERPRISE usually between 5 and the 7 days, from completion of order.
These deadlines are means, and thus an estimate. Thus, may vary for logistical reasons or force majeure. In cases of delayed deliveries, COMPANY will inform its customers becoming aware of them.
For Spain (Peninsula) Balearic and shipping cost will be free.
IV. Diligence in delivery
The Customer must check the condition of the package to the carrier, on behalf of the COMPANY, make delivery of the product ordered, indicating the delivery note any abnormalities that could be detected in the packaging. And, subsequently, after reviewing the product, Customer discovers any incident as a hit, Break, signs of having been opened or any damage caused to it by sending, he undertakes to inform COMPANY via email in the shortest time possible, before subsequent 24 hours of delivery.
I. Return Procedure
All products purchased from COMPANY may be returned and refunded, provided that you notify the COMPANY of its intention to return / the product / s purchased / s within a maximum period of 5 días naturales contados desde la fecha de entrega y que se cumplan el resto de las condiciones establecidas en este apartado.
COMPANY will only accept returns that meet the following requirements:
- Product must be in the same condition it was delivered and shall keep its packaging.
- These should be submitted using the same box in which it was received for product protection. In the event that it can not be done with the box that was delivered, Customer must return it in a protective case so that the product reaches the store ENTERPRISE with the maximum possible guarantees.
With the goal of providing Customers the return process and be able to correctly follow the same, COMPANY establishes only the refund procedure established by THE COMPANY. If the reason for return is attributable to the COMPANY (the product is defective, is not the one you'd order, etc.), The repayment amount will be refunded. If the subject is other (products are served correctly but are not to your liking), the cost of return postage will be paid by the customer.
Para proceder con una devolución, should take the following steps:
- Report before 5 calendar days from receipt wants the product to be returned. La información podrá realizarse via correo a info@angelscanut.com o mediante el formulario de atención al cliente.
- COMPANY shall inform the client of the address to which to send the product.
- Customer must ship via a courier of your choice. The return must be paid by the customer.
- Report the courier company used, date and time of return.
II. Refunds CLIENT
The return of the products will result in a refund equal to the cost of returned products minus the cost of return service.
Only in the event that the product delivered is defective or incorrect, COMPANY also reimburse you the postage corresponding.
LA EMPRESA actúa en calidad de distribuidor de fabricantes que garantizan que los productos que se presentan a la venta en el www.angelscanut.com no presentan defectos, no hidden defects that could make them dangerous or unsuitable for normal use.
COMPANY owns all rights to the content, design and source code of this web page and, especially, in character but is not limited, about the photographs, imagery, texts, logos, designs, Brands, trade names and data contained on the Web.
Customers and users are cautioned that such rights are protected by Spanish and international legislation on intellectual and industrial property.
Also, without prejudice to the foregoing, the content of this website is also considered computer program, and therefore, it is also applicable throughout the Spanish and European Community regulations in force in the matter.
Total or partial reproduction of this website is expressly prohibited, or any of its contents, without the express written consent of the COMPANY.
Also copying is strictly prohibited, Reproduction, adaptation, modification, distribution, marketing, public and / or any communication other action that involves a breach of the Spanish regulations and / or hospitalizations in Intellectual Property and / or industrial, and the use of Web content except with the prior express written consent of the COMPANY.
ENTERPRISE reports that no license or authorization whatsoever on intellectual property rights and / or industrial or any other right or property related, directly or indirectly, with the content contained on the Web.
Only the use of the contents of the Web site for informational purposes and is authorized service, if you cite or reference is made to the source, The user is solely responsible for the misuse of such.
THE COMPANY does not assume any responsibility, the title but is not limited:
- The use of Customer or Users may make of the materials on this website or linked websites, either prohibited or allowed, in violation of the rights of intellectual and / or industrial web content or third.
- Of the possible damages to Customers or Users caused by normal and abnormal operation of the search tools, the organization or the location of the content and / or access to the Web and, and general, errors or problems arising in the development or implementation of the technical elements that facilitate or program Web User.
- From the contents of those pages that the Customer or Users can access from links in the Web, whether authorized or not.
- For the acts or omissions of third parties, regardless of these third parties may be attached to the COMPANY by contractually.
- Access of children to the content included on the Web, remain the responsibility of their parents or guardians to exercise proper control over the activity of the children or children in their care or install any of the tools to control Internet use in order to avoid (i) access to materials or content not suitable for minors, as well as (ii) sending personal data without the prior consent of their parents or guardians.
- Communications and dialogues in the course of discussions, Forums, chats and virtual communities organized through or around the Website and / or linked websites, We responderá, thus, for any damage and prejudice suffered by the Customer or User individuals and / or groups as a result of those communications and / or dialogue.
THE COMPANY shall not be liable in any case when they occur:
- Errors or delays in access to the Website by the Customer at the time of entering your information in the order form, slowness or inability of receipt by the recipient of the order confirmation or any anomalies that may arise when these incidents are due to problems in the Internet, fortuitous events or force majeure and other unforeseeable contingency to the good faith of the COMPANY.
- Failures or incidents that may occur in communications, defaced or incomplete transmissions, so there is no guarantee that the website services are constantly operational.
- Errors or damage to the website for use of inefficient service and bad faith by the Customer.
- The inoperability or problems with the email address provided by the Client to send the order confirmation.
- In any case, COMPANY is committed to solving any problems that may arise and to provide all necessary support to the Customer to reach a quick and satisfactory resolution of the incident.
- Also, COMPANY has the right to do during defined time intervals, promotional campaigns to encourage the registration of new members in their service. THE COMPANY reserves the right to modify the conditions of application of the promotions, extend them proper notice, or proceed to the exclusion of any participant of the promotion in the event of any abnormality, abuse or unethical behavior involving the same.
Privacy Policy
Customers and Users undertake to browse the site and use the content in good faith.
In compliance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, Protection of Personal Data, le informamos de que la cumplimentación de cualquier formulario existente en Sitio Web www.angelscanut.com o la remisión de un correo electrónico a cualquiera de nuestros buzones implica la aceptación de esta política de privacidad, and authorization to the COMPANY to process the personal data provided to us.
Customer data will be used to send email through the sales by the COMPANY and to the delivery of the purchases.
By simply visiting the Web, Users do not provide any personal information or is obligated to provide.
COMPANY agrees to keep the strictest confidentiality regarding the information that is provided to him and use it only for the purposes specified.
COMPANY presumes that the data have been introduced by its holder or by a person authorized by him, and that is true and accurate.
It is for customers updating their own data. Anytime, Customer shall have the right of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition to all personal data contained in the various registration forms. Para modificar o actualizar sus datos personales el Cliente deberá acceder a www.angelscanut.com, paragraph “My account”. Para cancelar tu cuenta escribe un correo desde el e-mail de tu cuenta a info@angelscanut.com con el asunto “Cancel Account”.
Thus, Customer is responsible for the veracity of the data and THE COMPANY will not be responsible for its inaccuracy in the personal data of Customers. Under the current legislation on data protection, The Company has adopted adequate security levels to data provided by customers and, also, installed all means and measures at its disposal to prevent the loss, mal uso, disturbance, unauthorized access and extraction of these.
THE COMPANY reserves the right to change, anytime, the presentation and layout of the Website, well as the General Conditions. Thus, COMPANY endorses you read them carefully each time you access the Web Site.
Customers and Users always have these Terms of Use in a conspicuous place, freely accessible to all queries want to perform. Anyway, acceptance of the Terms of Use will be an essential prerequisite to the acquisition of any product step available through the Web Site.