Horizon Collection

Horizon Collection Àngels Canut Horizon Horizon is the new collection of Complements d’ Angels Angels Canute Canute interested, loves and likes to enjoy the exciting world of stones. Knowing the wide range of forms, colors, textures that presents us with nature, put them next to each other harmoniously or in a risky contrast until you get a set of stones that invite you to create the new Àngels Canut collection.. We know the names of the flowers, Animal, pets of our friends and acquaintances but often do not know the name of the stone with us and brilliance. Our little treasures and even have a name … Continued

Necklaces and bracelets of jade and semiprecious stones, Hic et nunc Collection

Jade and semiprecious stones pendants and bracelets Hic et nunc Collection Jade and semiprecious stones pendants and bracelets. Col·leccio Here and now Here and now, here and now, • Collection is a collection of pendants – adjustable necklaces and bracelets of jade, part of which aims to make a tour of the imaginary Eastern repertoire of fantastic animals and terrifying, delicate birds and majestic figures carved in stones from heaven, els matters, contrast with the sobriety of discs made with pendants and bracelets also jade. The other part of the col • Stock up pendants adjustable semiprecious stones, ametistes, … Continued

Silver Collection d’ Àngels Canut

Silver Collection New collection of pendants d’ Silver Collection New Angels debut Canute Canute angels in the field of jewelry pendants jade, semiprecious stones and silver unique and exclusive pieces With the Silver Collection, Angels Canute entered in the field of jewelery. The Silver Collection, make the stones which have been chosen for their unique shapes, colors i textures. With such disparate stones, as are the jades, the turquenites… in our study-design workshop in Barcelona we thought the pieces of silver required to turn these stones into a beautiful pendant, uniqueness and exclusivity. The silver pieces have been designed in close … Continued

Details Collection, Pendants, Keychains…

Collection Details Pendants, Keychains, Rings… Collection Details How many times have we been gifted with a small detail? With so much detail it can transmit… remember great moments, demonstrations of affection, deep feelings… The Details collection, intended as a personal gift, a unique delicacy and with the durability over time offered by the different semi-precious stones that make up the pieces of this collection. Time can transform the gift but the essence of it, la stone, gifted, howlita, ònix, matters, turquenites, amazonites, bathhouse, quartz… will remain unchanged. One detail that will be a memory forever. Angels Canut Visit our collection Details Collection Details How many times have we been gifted with a little one … Continued

Pendants and Necklaces. Fragments Collection

Àngels Canut presents the collection of pendants and necklaces Fragments Collection Fragments Of everything we like, everything that is good, what we enjoy, en prenem un fragment ja sia amb el pensament, amb el cor o amb les mans i gelosament l’atresorem, in the form of a pendant, a collar. I searched carefully among stones, from the mountains to the oceans, volcanoes and glaciers, these fragments of bone stones around now I want to introduce through these last exclusive accessories. Pieces, fragments, pieces of stone that I have chosen. M’han interessat pels seus colors, textures, matisos i formes i m’han fet sentir la força de l’aigua, la terra, the … Continued