Jesus Costa Beiro, Natural Noia, A Coruna

Landscapes and colors catalanogalaics

Jesus Costa Beiro is an artist who is at the service of the humble, those for whom every day is a constant struggle. fully Galician, both by birth and sentiment, this time pays tribute to Castelao, that, with as much success as pain, wrote and draw on the people and the Galician soul. And achieves its purpose without falling into anecdote and easy tremendism, but with a clear desire to shake hands and help those who suffer. Residing for years in Catalonia, which is an active member of society, considers that their art can help keep, without ever renouncing the creative freedom, collective memory.

Costa Beiro Jesus encourages us to fight the injustices that come from social vices and facilities. shows artistic mastery spiritual transcendence.

Josep M. Chain. Journalist and art critic

(Text taken from the exhibition catalog three perspectives, three sensations, Old Town Hall in Calella (Barcelona), 2015)

Nature ecstatic eyes

Contemplation is an exercise in full of the spirit of the people intuit the chromatic language camps, villages and its people. Antonio Machado painted with the word fields of Castile, Espriu drew towards the village Cancelas discovered the soul of its people. Jesús Costa, a contemplator of the chromatic value of his surroundings, invites with his artistic language a dialogue of intimacy that plays with enthusiasm and longs to discover the beauty that light gives to his eyes.. The artist observes and captures the emotional intensity of a full dialog where colors show emotion, stroke, truth and composition, message. The eye of the artist reveals the magic of a dream that transforms the dark of night in daylight. The paintings are true pedagogies that teach you to enjoy the movements and strokes of color sensations of relationships they have in the rainbow goodness of rain that ripens land to turn it into a garden. Jesus Costa, moves in the world of human sensations that draws line with clean and spiritualized with a chromatic simplicity makes it a combination of merit and a color image of the human spirit. The painting, presenting Jesus Costa, drank and draws on philosophy and political thinker and writer Galician word and art made a weapon to defend people's rights. Jesus And Costa described his paintings in the spirit of giving thinker intensity colors that arouse human emotions.

The work of Jesus Costa invites dialogue that teaches humans the way he discovered the art of coexistence universal peace. feelings, thoughts, emotions and passions are the colors of the fields, peoples and people of history.

Joan Sala Vila. Filòfof, writer and poet

(Text taken from the exhibition catalog three perspectives, three sensations, Old Town Hall in Calella (Barcelona), 2015)


Visit his exhibition in our gallery online

Jesus Costa THE OBSERVER shapes 1 Jesus Costa - 1992 sports 2