Manuel Gómez Perochena
Exhibitions in Madrid, Soria, Almazan (Soria), Valdemoro (Madrid), La Marina d'Elx, Zeddam (Netherlands)
He has won watercolor and drawing prizes in various competitions.
His work is in private collections and in the Zeddam Museum, (Netherlands)
Specialty artistic works that: Aquarel·la i dibuix.
Throughout his life as a draftsman designer, the tools used to make precision drawings, is the rule, the square, the bevel or compass and pencil, The technical ruling pen or marker, running pictures with all sorts of details such renowned architects, Fernando Moreno Barberá and Julio Cano Lasso.
Més endavant s’inicia en el dibuix i l’aquarel·la, inspirat en les il·lustracions de Norman Rockwell, which is that of love for its irony and humor, replacing the ruling pen and brush color.
Perochena is excel·lent dibuixant nat, SAP translate into them seves aquarel·les de paisatges un caràcter lineal, trying to enhance the contrast to highlight the architectural overall, giving them personality.
Their skills as a draftsman, We encourage you to recover in time and undo variety of transport machinery: trains, had, ships, i amb bona mestratge i molta il·lusió, reflectir sober support the idea blanc d'uns slumber d'ahir.
Visit the exhibition of his work Visit his exhibition in our gallery online
Manuel Gómez Perochena
Organizes exhibitions in Madrid, Soria, Almazan (Soria), Valdemoro (Madrid), Navy Elche, Zeddam (Holland)
He gets watercolor and drawing prizes in various competitions.
His work is in private collections and museum Zeddam, (Holland)
artistic specialty in working: Watercolor and drawing
Throughout his life as draftsman, the tools used to make precision drawings, are the rule, squad, Bevel or compass and pencil, the drawing pen or technical pen, drawings executed with all kinds of details for renowned architects, Fernando Moreno Barberá and Julio Cano Lasso.
It starts later in the drawing and watercolor, inspired by Norman Rockwell illustrations, of that which is captivated by its irony and humor, reemplazando the tiralíneas by brush and color.
Perochena is a Excellent born artist, knows how to express their watercolors of landscapes linear character, attempting to enhance the contrast to highlight the overall architectural, giving personality.
His skills as a draftsman, They encourage you to backtrack in time and recover variety of transportation machinery: trains, planes, boats, and with good skill and great enthusiasm, reflect on a white support the idea of some dreams of yesterday.
Visit l'exhibition of his work Visit our online gallery