Penjoll de jade nefrita, 75 mm diameter, cut on both sides, cordo of cuir Marro i daurades fornitures
Penjolls de jade nefrita, 75 mm diameter, cut on both sides, cordo of cuir Marro i daurades fornitures, belongs to the collection Hic et nunc d’ Àngels Canut. One piece.
El penjoll de jadenefrita, collection Hic et nunc de Civit Style: Hic et nunc, here and now, is a collection of Pendants – collars Adjustable and jade bracelets, part of which aims to tour Eastern imagery with a repertoire of animal fantàstics and chilling, delicate birds and majestic figures carved stones from the sky, contrast with the sobriety of discs made of jade pendants and bracelets also with jade.
L’altra part de la col•lecció la composen els Pendants Adjustable semiprecious stones, ametistes, quarsos i àgates. The stones are presented in a unique way with suede, leather, cotton laces with a wide range of colors and furnishings from around the world. Metal fittings that simulate polished gold, or aged or simulate the silver amalgam of all its nuances. Same embellishments that can be adjusted according to taste and comfort. The diverse backgrounds of all elements makes it difficult to do a reissue Pendants. Is a collection of unique and exclusive.
Àngels Canut
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