


310-315 Mahogany obsidian pendant, 65x45 mm, antelina negra i fornitures daurades
Mahogany obsidian pendant and black suede

Mahogany obsidian pendant, 65x45 mm, antelina negra i fornitures daurades


Mahogany obsidian pendant, 65x45 mm, black suede and gold fittings from the collection Horizon Angels Canute. Limited edition

25,00  VAT included Add to cart
Pendant with mahogany obsidian, 50x45 mm, suede marró, Adjustable metal silver buttons
Penjoll amb obsidiana caoba amb antelina marró

Pendant with mahogany obsidian, 50x45 mm, suede marró, Adjustable metal silver buttons

Penjolls amb obsidiana caoba
25,00  VAT included Add to cart
Pendant with mahogany obsidian, 60x45,5 mm, antelina negra, Adjustable metal golden buttons
Pendant with mahogany obsidian

Pendant with mahogany obsidian, 60x45,5 mm, black suede adjustable metal golden buttons

Penjolls amb obsidiana caoba, 60x45,5 mm, black suede adjustable metal golden buttons of the Collection Fragments d' Àngels Canut. One piece.
25,00  VAT included Add to cart